Water Testing

We utilize various water testing methods to help provide the best quality water to your household.Water treatment companies test for TDS (total dissolved solids) with a TDS Meter. At Smart Water Technologies, we calibrate our meters often and carry calibration solution in our test kits. An accurate reading allows us to effectively determine multiple water conditions within your home.

We also test for hardness. Hardness is most commonly measured by titration with an EDTA solution. A titration involves adding small amounts of a solution to a water sample until the sample changes color. Each drop prior to the color change represents one grain of hardness. The size of an aspirin is 5 grains.

We test the pH (potential for hydrogen), also known as the Acidity or Alkalinity of water (7 being neutral).

We measure total & free chlorine, iron, tannins, manganese, nitrates, and hydrogen sulfide by adding reagents (a substance or mixture for use in chemical analysis or other reactions). Color changes are compared on color wheels or charts to determine the contaminant level. Some of these tests are not necessary for municipal water but we believe in providing better water.

In applicable, we do a water flow test at the well point when the pump is running to determine the wells capacity to backwash a filter. We inspect the toilet water holding tank for iron, sulfur, bacteria and sediment levels. If we suspect Coliform and/or E coli bacteria, we deliver a water sample to our Affiliate State-approved water testing lab and treat the water accordingly.

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